NeighborhoodReal Estate Buying & Selling 23 August 2022

You, Go To An Open House in The Fraser Valley!

You Should Go To An Open House in The Fraser Valley!

You might ask yourself, “why would I go to an open house in the Fraser Valley”? Have you ever heard someone say “You should always keep learning”. Well, think about it, what is likely to be your largest financial transaction in life? Will it be the home you purchase? If so, wouldn’t you want to know what you are buying. Let me tell you how you can know your next home as well as you know that next pair of shoes, or next truck.

The Basics: Which Open House To Go To?

This is the easiest question, go to any open house Matthias Alleckna is at. Just kidding, go to any open house in the Fraser Valley. Every single one of them provides a new opportunity to learn about what you want. When you think about it, how many homes have you been in in your life? Maybe 50, but how many shoes have you seen? Maybe 50 thousand. In order to really know all your options, look at more. Lets set a target, before you even begin your search for your first home, try to double your lifetime number from 50 to 100.

The Basics: When and Where Do I Find An Open House?

There are two days of the week that are easy to find an open house in the Fraser Valley. I bet you can guess which they are. Saturday and Sunday! Every single weekend you can find at least 10-15 Realtor’s with an Open House just for you. The best place to find these is on You can set the filter on your search to show you an open house near you before that date night(Saturday Afternoon) or after church(Sunday Afternoon).

Now What?

Now that you know the basics, if you want more information about an Open House in the Fraser Valley, don’t hesitate to message me, Matthias Alleckna on Facebook or Instagram. As your local real estate professional for White Rock, Surrey and the entire Fraser Valley I am happy to lend you my expertise. Check in every week on the website blog for more engaging content.