About Me 11 August 2022

Never Give Up Day (Almost Drowned), Surrey Aug 18

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

  Never Give Up!  A short statement that can sometimes make a massive difference. The city of Surrey has recognized this and recently given us another day to celebrate something meaningful. According to Get News August 18th , one week from today, will be the first Never Give Up Day. So since some of you may not know me very well, I thought I would share a few moments I think of when this phrase went from words to actions.

Moment 1:

This one came early on, the legendary almost drowning incident. I was about 7 or 8 years old and on this day at Hicks Lake, I was an amazing swimmer. Or so I thought, until I lost the inflatable floating Orca while climbing into my older brothers inflatable boat. Of course, they were not about to swim across the inlet and retrieve it, so they pushed me out of the boat and said there was no way I was getting in that boat until I went to get it.

I thought, oh this will be no big deal. But as I started swimming, seemingly the Orca did too. The wind hit it just enough to keep it out of reach. Until, a couple minutes in as I was getting tired, I realized I was in the middle of that part of the lake. Thinking, oh I will just take a break, I sank to the bottom like at a pool and then tried to push myself back up and keep going. Well, the bottom never came. I swam back to the surface exhausted and let out a yell. Luckily through the swallowing of water, my dad heard and came running straight in. As I was going down again, seemingly for the last time, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Upon getting to shore, I realized I had stayed afloat just long enough, and the Orca had beaten me across the lake to a spot I could walk to. I may have given up trying to swim across that lake, but I didn’t give up trying to stay afloat and at that age, that was an important moment.

Moment 2:

Being that Real Estate in Surrey, White Rock and the Fraser Valley has slowed in the last month or so. This one may be a little more relevant. I had a client once, that no matter what I offered would not consider working together. Well, beyond saying “send me what information you have on the market” they did this for about 3 years. For the first few months I enthusiastically sent everything I thought could help them, until I began thinking about the amount of time I was spending on this. At that moment, I spoke to some colleagues and asked, should I be doing something else with my time. Most of them said yes, but one said what if it takes a while but the outcome results in the perfect deal.

Whether it be Real Estate or any other contract we all dream of the perfect deal. I decided to keep working. To put in the time each month to collect and provide the client with information. I decided to “Never Give Up!” and in the end they didn’t give up on me. I became the person they would say is “my guy for that thing”. From that day we signed the first deal, it really was the perfect deal. I realized, that Never Give Up attitude can make a world of difference even if it costs a little bit of time.

Real Estate

When it comes to your next Investment Property, Dream Home or the sale of your Real Estate. One  guarantee is, I will Never Give Up! No matter how tough or slow the market gets. If you tell me your priorities, I will do everything I can to write the perfect game plan and negotiate the “Perfect Deal” just for you.

For more Never Give Up moments, follow me Matthias Alleckna ‘Real Estate Professional’ on Instagram or Facebook and check back for more August 18 for the new Surrey Never Give Up Day.