About MeAbout MeAbout Me 12 September 2022

Your Real Estate Agent, Hard Work and Joe Mauro

Your Real Estate Agent

Greatest Impact:

One question that everyone wonders about from time to time is, who had the greatest impact on the person you became? Personally, I don’t believe it is possible to determine who is number 1. However, you can definitely put together a list of about 10. 10 people that affected my character development and led me to be the best Real Estate Agent to serve you today.

Who is Joe Mauro:

One of those people is Joe Mauro. I like to characterize Joe as a kind of small town famous guy. In Chilliwack Secondary, he was around when my oldest brother went to school back in the 90s. He has been the basketball coach since before I was born(I think). Joe is someone you could easily recognize by the signature mustache and the dark curly hair. The one time he shaved it all, we couldn’t believe it.

Joe had an impact on my life that I will never forget. He taught me that if you work hard, have integrity and are always open to a conversation, you will never run out of opportunities. Joe wasn’t your typical basketball coach or teacher. When Joe was teaching in the Wood Shop, he would sometimes call the class I was in and ask the teacher if he could speak to me. The teacher would reluctantly say yes and I would stand at the front of the class and take the call. He would ask if we were busy in that class. Of course, I always said “No”. After which he would tell me to get to the wood shop to chat about something important.

Important Chat’s:

Those chat’s were always interesting. They ranged from strategy talks about the upcoming game, to how we could get the next generation interested in school sports again. By the end of class we would always solve all the schools sports problems. In doing so, building a great relationship. One in which, having been graduated for over 7 years now allows us to continue to connect from time to time. Last time I was in town, we went for coffee. That same question came up, what do we do to engage the next generation in school sports. This time, I had what I thought was an answer. All you have to do is make sports popular again, help the captain of the basketball team get scholarship offers and don’t give up on the kid that shows up at 6am. Even if they are short and can’t make a single shot at first. Joe mentioned something in that conversation that I had heard from him before.

He said, “Matthias, I don’t think I will ever see another person walk into that school gym and work as hard as you did”. Having learned a lot about that hard work through the opportunities afforded to me by Joe himself, I said “I sure hope someone beats me someday”. Maybe even one of the 5-10yr old kid’s from the summer basketball camp Joe would put on. A camp that of course I would help with, having learned not to forgo any opportunity to learn and to give back.

Why Should You Work With Me:

Now you may ask yourself, why is a Real Estate Agent telling me about his school teacher. It’s because I want you to know who you choose to work with. To know this is not the first time I have been asked to work early in the morning until late at night. If you know Joe Mauro, just ask him who the hardest working kid and now Real Estate Agent could be. If it isn’t Matthias Alleckna then at least you will know you can trust that person is one of the hardest working people alive.

For more about me, Matthias Alleckna ‘Real Estate Professional’ visit my Instagram or Facebook and check back periodically for more.